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Do You Want To Triple Your ROI With Email Marketing?

  Is it still profitable to invest in email marketing? The world of digital advertising is constantly changing, and new ways to market to audiences emerge daily. With all of these new, cutting-edge methods, this isn't an unreasonable question to pose. To put it simply, the answer is yes. Yes, thousand times yes. One of the most common errors that most marketers make nowadays is believing that email marketing is defunct. Many marketers today abandon email marketing in favour of social media. To be honest, social media appears to be much sexier than email. Is a social media post, however, as effective as an email? Let's start with a well-known fact before we answer that question. Sending a friend request on Facebook is easier than collecting an email online. But believe me when I say that email marketing is three times as valuable as social media marketing. So, what exactly is email marketing? Email marketing is the practice of sending emails to customers to target them.  Email m






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